We usually have classes every month across Tampa Bay Area: Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Dunedin, Palm Harbor, Tarpon Spring and others. After an introductory workshop, we hold further meditation classes for those who are interested in pursuing meditation further. We meet twice a week for a month in Safety Harbor on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Our meditation classes are always free of charge. Sri Chinmoy felt that meditation is the natural language between man and God, the mastering of which can’t be bought. In keeping with Sri Chinmoy’s philosophy, these classes are always selflessly offered as community service.
Meet our Class Givers
Tilvila Hurwit
Has practiced meditation for 35 years. She is the owner and manager of Consciousness-Blossoms vegetarian restaurant and Gift-Shop. She also actively participates in projects like the Oneness-Home Peace Run
Why we give classes

We strongly believe that our outer life can be most effectively improved only by first improving our inner life because everything in the outer world has its origin in the inner world. Thus, we take meditation as the natural and perfect way to transform our lives and accomplish our goals.
First of all, discovering our capacity to mediate and developing it bit by bit makes it possible for us to get the answer to our most important question: what is our purpose, our role on earth? What unique message does our soul have for us to bring our life integral satisfaction and fulfilment?
To discover this essential truth, we are trying to develop major inner qualities like peace of mind, purity of thoughts and motives, sincerity, the power of concentration, in other words a positive approach to everything We need to put our heart into everything we do, to develop will power, the strength never to give up and many other qualities.
In the words of our teacher, Sri Chinmoy: “My ultimate goal is for the power of love to replace the love of power within each individual. At that time world peace can be achieved, revealed, offered and manifested on earth.”
Video: Sri Chinmoy talks about his philosophy. Cameraman: Mridanga Spencer
What benefits can we expect from meditation?
- Clarity and poise of the mind
- Increase of inner receptivity
- Development of belief in oneself
- Increased intuition
- Better sense of one’s own needs
- Inner guidance of your own soul in day to day life
- Discovering of your purpose and role on earth
- Happiness in feeling centered – “back home”
- Unfoldment of your hidden talents and capacities

What do we offer in our free courses?
- Guided meditations
- An introduction to breathing and concentration techniques to still the mind
- ABC’s of meditation practice
- Creative visualizations and mantras
- Meditative music
- Introduction to a holistic, active and healthy life-style
Our classes endeavor to provide an environment that is conducive to meditation. We do this through the music, art and writings of Sri Chinmoy.
We are happy to offer simple but profound cornestones of the spiritual life in order for you to become happier and thus spread happiness around you. We believe that happiness is our birthright. In Sri Chinmoy’s words:
“Be happy.
You will get
What you like most.
You will be
What you like best.“
We can make a most profound and unique contribution for betterment of humanity, starting with ourselves.
“There shall come a time
When this world of ours shall be flooded with peace.
Who is going to bring about this radical change?
It will be you and me
And our oneness-heart will spread peace
Throughout the length and breadth of the world.”
~ Sri Chinmoy